Hi, I’m Danica Murphy
I am the Founder of Prism and an internationally recognised expert in the areas of High Performance Team Development, Executive Coaching, Training Design and Facilitation & Strategic Development.
Bio | Psychology graduate from the University of California Santa Barbara, Danica went on to achieve her accountancy qualification with Arthur Andersen in San Francisco. Her deep understanding of the interdependency between business practice and human psychology led her to establish Prism in 2001. She is a highly regarded executive coach and business consultant who has worked with client teams and senior management of blue chip companies both in Ireland and internationally.

Danica specialises in facilitating executives and teams to bring business plans to life by engaging, coaching and developing the people who deliver them.
Her client list spans a wide range of sectors including:
Global FMCG manufacturers
Financial services
Indigenous Irish Food and Agri
Professional membership bodies
High potential/technology start-ups
Danica has co-authored books and training resources on Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI©).
Public speaking
Danica regularly speaks at conferences on organisational culture and change. To inquire about having Danica speak at your event, please contact us via email.
The Institute of Directors of Ireland
The Irish Institute for Training and Development
The Association for Coaching
Licenced for
MBTI© Step I & II
Predictive Index (PI©)
Acumen 360