Sustaining High Performance

Many organsiations lose their talent when people struggle to thrive. In these uncertain times, leaders need to be inspiring and comforting while also pushing on performance. Combined with responsibilities outside of work, it’s not surprising that leaders are feeling the strain. While there is growing awareness that wellbeing is a key lever to managing personal and professional challenges while sustaining performance, it is easier said than done.

In this workshop we will be using The Global Leadership Wellbeing Framework (GLWS®) which is a uniquely holistic, evidence based tool that delivers deep insights into what shapes and sustains a leader’s success at work and at home. GLWS brings the latest research based wellbeing diagnostics and development techniques to equip senior leaders with the resources they need to flourish in high demand environments. This interactive session will ensure participants have the time, the space and the tools to refocus their efforts and energies towards being able to thrive sustainably.

If your leaders are struggling to sustain high performance and continue to thrive, reach out to us today to chat about our masterclass options.


The Energy Equation


Mastering Influential Communication